Telecommunication and Media are the origin of our law firm: Fabian Schuster is working in the area of Telecommunications & IT since more than 20 years. In the beginning with Thyssen Telekom/ Thyssen Informatik, since 1998 in his own law firm. Since the partial liberalization of the Telecommunications market in 1996 he has represented numerous clients in procedures involving the German Regulatory Authority BNetzA and has led the correspondent lawsuits. Laura Kubach has during her time with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer supported several big transactions in the cable market and the area of Media and has rendered advice regarding questions referring to the regulation of the mobile telecommunication market. Together we have drafted, accompanied and negotiated hundreds of different agreements in the areas Telecommunication and Media. This is evidenced through numerous academic articles and several books and commentaries dealing with Telecommunication and E-Commerce Law: Some of these books are today considered standard works. Together with our Partner SBR-net Consulting AG.

We have supported many businesses and projects in the last 20 years, among those well-known companies as well as interesting start-ups. Therefore, we have a broad experience in this area. This applies, on the one hand, to the influence of telecommunications regulation on the activities of our clients and, on the other hand, to the recognition and implementation of significant elements and potential future problems (in particular with long lasting agreements, e.g. regarding the roll out of broadband networks). This is complemented through a broad litigation experience enforcing the rights of our clients in the area regulation (administrative courts) and contractual law (civil courts).

Advice and Support

Design of contracts

The drafting and negotiation of numerous contracts has been a long lasting part of our work. In the beginning (Mid to end nineties) the focus has been on Interconnection and Service Provider Contracts, later MVNO agreements. Today we are more concerned with contracts around the development of broadband and company networks (such as WAN and VPN) as well as contracts for platform operators and content provider. In the design of the contracts we are making use of our Know How in the areas of IT and data protection because these elements have gained importance in all kind of contracts.

Court procedures in the telecommunications area are no pleasure, in particular not with administrative courts. A lot of stamina is needed, since often only the Federal Administrative Court acknowledges and implements important parts of the German Telecommunications Act such as the competitive character. Again, such lawsuits are only a last resort, but more often indispensable that in IT. However, should lawsuits prove to be necessary we are conducting them forcefully and professionally.


Project experience

  • Continuous advice in the areas E-commerce and webshops, examination of legal measures (public appearance, General Terms & Conditions, Privacy Statements)
  • Regular support and advice of providers and public authorities regarding the tender, drafting and negotiation of provider and concession contracts regarding the operation of FTTx networks (among such the probably biggest FTTx network in a German major city)
  • Continuous support of a major German provider of dark fiber routes, legal advice regarding the roll out of fiber optic cable network (in particular with the drafting and negotiation of dark fiber contracts), including rights of way.
  • Opinion/ report for the German Federal Economic Ministry regarding the efficient use of available private and public infrastructure (including the upgrade of high performance networks (together with the consultancy firm Seim & Partner); the results of the study lead to the implementation of among others the sect. 77a et sq. German Telecommunications Act
  • Legal support of public utility company regarding the roll out of municipal fiber optic cable network and the respective public subsidies
  • Drafting and negotiation of national roaming- and MVNO agreements (Contracts regarding network usage) for clients (2001, 2002)
  • Drafting and negotiation of numerous cooperation agreements for fixed and mobile network provider among other for interconnection, collocation and additional services.
  • Legal advice in the area Wireless Local Loop, Wimax, BWA, GSM and UMTS, frequency auctions.
  • Numerous court and administrative procedures up to the German Federal Administrative Court regarding interconnection, frequencies, tariff regulation, abusive practice procedures, and others.
  • Legal questions related to the construction of the broadband local area network by the public sector, CR 7/2015 (Schuster/ Hunzinger)
  • The EU-guideline governing the reduction of costs associated with the construction of the broadband local area network, CR 2014,436 (Schuster/ Kubach/ Ruhle)
  • The employer and the German Telecommunication Law, CR 2014, 21 (Schuster)
  • Contracts governing data networks (WAN/ VPN); in: Laws governing data and data networks, Cologne 2014 (Schuster, publ. by Conrad/ Grützmacher)
  • Monitoring and Fraud detection by Telecommunication Providers, CR 2011, 15 (Schuster et al)
  • The Telecommunication Contract (Fixed, Internet, Cellular Phone network), CR 2006, 444 (Schuster)
  • Claim to Compensation acc. to § 76 par. 2 German Telecommunication Law. In compendium re. rights of way, Munich 2006 (Schuster, publ. by Hoeren)
  • Beck’scher Telecommunication Commentary, 3. Ed. , Munich, 2006 (Schuster et al)
  • Question of principle of the Telecommunication Contract Law – new technology and regulation in the light of the German Telecommunication Law and the German Civil Law, CR 2005, 730 (Schuster)
  • Incentives for infrastructure investments in connection with the interconnection in the Telecommunication, Regulation law in the area of Telecommunication, law and costs of regulation, Part 2, Lohmar – Köln, 2003 (Schuster et al)
  • Compendium Law and Practice of the Telecommunication, 2. Ed., Baden-Baden, 2002 (Schuster/ Geppert/ Ruhle)
  • UMTS – License allocation, Nomos-Verlag, 2001 (Schuster et al)
